We have been around since 1953 with an approximate annual 911 call volume of 1200-1500 emergency calls for service. We Serve all or portions of Longswamp Township, Topton Borough, Lyons Borough, Rockland Township, Maxatawny Township, Kutztown Borough, Greenwhich Township, Albany Township, Richmond Township, and District Township.
We provide 24/7/365 Basic and Advanced life support services. These services are provided from our main location on Home Road in Longswamp Township as well as our second station on Quarry road in Maxatawny Township. We provide standby services for your special events. We also have a variety of training classes available.
We currently have a variety of Volunteers serving in board and clinical capacities and paid staff comprised of Paramedics, PHRNs, AEMTs, EMTs, and EMSVOs all who staff our 911 ready units 24/7/365.